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Digitalisation at ESA > Digital Spacecraft > Challenges & Risks

    Key challenges

    The identified key challenges are:

    • Digitalisation of disciplines
    • Ontology
    • Deployment of standards on tools, maturity of tools
    • Lack of skills (training, change process)
    • Security

    Other challenges are:

    • Support at space project team level
    • Duplicated effort, when there is a mixture of paper and digital development and operational environments. The business culture and practice is document-oriented.
    • Industry relies on ESA to request and fund the change of paradigm
    • General revision of all ECSS standards
    • General revision of review processes


    The main risks associated with the Digital Spacecraft have also been identified by the Think Tank, and categorised as follows:

    No. Potential Risk Severity of consequences Likelihood of occurrence Mitigation Approach Possible Consequences
    1 Lack of support at top executive level (Agency & Industry) high medium Clear project plan and technical documentation.Alignment with digital strategies of (industry) stakeholders Project stop
    2 No clear benefit in the short-term (learning curve) medium medium Involve end-users already in the definition phase and focus on the short terms needs linked with target architecture definition Buy-in loss / delaying project
    3 Lack of skillset in workforce (and in SME, suppliers) / Highly experienced workforce not welcoming digitalisation high medium Start training the identified workforce and hire new workforce for the missing competencies already before/during early project phases Project delays / Quality deficiency / Project stop
    4 Losing jobs / not-finding new competences to implement the digitalisation medium low Diversify competences and compensate with strategic mobility Working environment degradation / inadequate workforce
    5 Virtual world is not the real world low low Use demonstrators to convince buy-in users about the acceptable accounted approximations Buy-in loss / project credibility
    6 Data: “Garbage IN - Garbage OUT” high medium Define precise requirements and data governance to regulate feed to the DT Unreliable results / failing in delivering added value / project stop
    7 Models are always based on assumptions/simplifications medium medium Use demonstrators to convince buy-in users about the acceptable accounted approximations Unreliable results / project credibility
    8 Cyber-attack: Leaking of the information/data high medium Establish a robust security system (e.g. data hubs and cloud-based collaboration and exchange platform) Loss of sensitive data / contracts breaches / loss of money / project stop
    9 Maturity and integration of IT tools / impossibility to exchange data high medium Commence upgrade of all key systems and tools already during the early phases of the project and perform a maturity review of the IT tools at the end of Phase B1, before funding approval. Non-acceptable and insufficient support to delivery results
    10 Compatibility with different approaches medium medium Coordinate stakeholders and involve them already before/during the early phases of the project Work redundancy / project delays / unsatisfactory deliveries
    11 Large scale investment affordability by the whole supply chain medium medium Show the results yielded by the early demonstrators leveraging on benefits to introduce change and facilities management Buy-in loss
    12 IP on product and on data (e.g. image, TM) including export control high medium Ensure protection of IP and data through timely patents filing and robust security system development, through data governance/management including common definition of data sensitivity and data assessment Loss of sensitive data / contracts breaches / loss of money / project stop