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    The Overall Semantic Modelling for System Engineering initiative arises from the need of enhancing the way information, knowledge is exchanged among the stakeholders involved, enabling efficient interoperability among model-based infrastructures used.

    The OSMoSE initiative promotes:

  • addressing interoperability at semantic level, i.e. focusing on the customers' needs (on the "what"),
  • addressing the "what" at global level, i.e. merging all customers' needs in a global conceptual data model resulting in the so-called Space System Ontology.

    OSMoSE Governance

    To succeed with the OSMoSE initiative, the need for an OSMoSE Governance has raised with objectives to drive the development of the Space System Ontology and to ensure the quality of the produced Ontology to be efficiently used by everyone.

    The OSMoSE Governance involves representatives of the European Space industrial and Agencies actors.

    The Space System Ontology is governed by two groups:

  • The MB4SE Advisory Group responsible for all managerial issues.
  • The OSMoSE Design Authority Group responsible for the technical aspects.