ECSS-E-TM-10-23, Space engineering - Space System Data Repository.
ECSS-E-TM-10-25, Space engineering - Engineering design model data exchange (CDF).
Fact Based Modelling (FBM) - Conceptual Data Modelling
FBM Working group. In 2007, the main actors in the academic research in fact based modelling decided to join their efforts to facilitate the transfer of their research to Industry. A Working Group was created with as objective to specify means to exchange fact-based conceptual data models.
FAMOUS 2 project. A second step in the transfer of academic knowledge has been performed in the context of the ESA Contract no. 4000107725, named "Fact based Modelling Unifying System - Towards implementing solutions for ECSS-E-TM-10-23A". The FAMOUS-2 project aims at developing a solution to support semantic interoperability, in line with the concept of space system data repository as defined in the ECSS-E-TM-10-23A.